Endless design possibilities with digital printing

Endless design possibilities with digital printing

What is digital printing?

Digital printing is a printing process that does not require any printing forms, such as stamps or stencils. The printed image is created directly from a file or a data stream from a computer. This brings special advantages for the flooring industry:

Why smaller batch sizes?

Due to the rapidly growing Internet business, products are becoming more and more comparable online. To counteract comparability, many suppliers demand exclusivity and an individual range. This offer is difficult to meet with classic production processes, as decor papers or foils usually have to be purchased in large quantities. Digital printing is the perfect solution here! 

Buy digital printing and get started?

Buy digital printing and get started?

Yes and No. Digital printing itself is an established process, but its application in flooring production requires complex know-how. Starting with the design creation via the machine technology to important quality aspects of the finished product. 

CLASSEN has invested in this know-how and supports licenseer in the introduction of digital printing.

Digitaldruckaspekte im Fußbodenbereich

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